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horsehair earrings   jouhikorvakorut  ohrringe aus pferdehaar

Earrings Cali you can wear anywhere,

no matter if you are in the office, at the

opera or stables.

Earrings Ibere tell who you really are

deep down;


equestrian woman.



Cali -korvakoruja voit käyttää olitpa sitten

missä tahansa;

toimistossa, oopperassa tai talleilla.

Ibere korvakorut kertovat kuka olet oikeasti sisimmältäsi:




Ohrringe Cali können Sie überall tragen, egal ob Sie im Büro, in der Oper oder im Stall sind.


Ibere Ohrringe drücken aus, wer Sie tief im Innersten sind:


eine Pferdefrau.



horsehair jewelry equestrian style pferdehaarschmuck sieradenvanpaardenhaar.JPG

The original collection designed by Nanna Salmi.
All rights reserved.

VAT -registered, 1370453-3


Tmi nannasalmi

Erviänkatu 16 A 1

15840 Lahti, Finland

Customers service, billing, web design

Minna Salmi, Proferum
VAT -registered, 1143626-4


Tmi Proferum
Kelohongantie 6

15200 Lahti, Finland


Contact us by email!


We do not collect customer data or pass it on to any third party.


We don't need your credit card information at any point, we invoice by email. Your payment is safe.

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